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Monday, December 8, 2008

Cabbage Stems

If you are cooking any member of the cabbage family-- brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli to name a few-- you probably cut off the leafy budded portions and discard the stem. The stems are more fibrous (and you are right to cut them off), but if you shave them thinly, you need only throw together a quick dressing and you'll have a tasty slaw. You can use the hearts/stems of cabbage in the same way. I use a Japanese mandolin to cut these stems into paper-thin slices. Then just throw in an acid (a little lemon juice or vinegar), some oil, and salt and you have a delicious cole slaw. I'm posting one recipe that I found to be quite good, but this is an ideal dish to play around with the flavors on-- I just experimented a few nights ago with fresh ginger and cilantro. Slaws will keep for several days in the fridge.

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